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Bakrid 2009 wishes or Bakrid sms or Bakrid greetings or Bakrid messages or Bakrid scraps on the occasion of Bakrid 2009 festival, The feast of sacrifice which you can send and wish your beloved ones and family members with a nice and great Bakrid messages or Bakrid 2009 wishes or Bakrid sms or Bakrid greetings or Bakrid scraps is given for you from us wishing you a Happy Bakrid 2009.About Bakrid Festival :The feast of sacrifice, Idul-Adha, in India pronounced Idul Azha and popularly known as Baqri Id or Bakrid, is celebrated on the tenth day of the month Dhu’l Hijja. It is a sacrifice made by the pilgrims and the ceremonise are performed as a part of the great pilgrimage. This fastival is celebrated by all Muslims all over the world. It is a joyous occassion and friends and families exchange good wishes to one another.Here are some nice Bakrid messages and SMS:Sunhari Dhup Barsat ke Bad,thodi Si Hushi Har Bat ke Bad,Usi Tarah Ho Mubarak App KoYe Nayi Subah Kal rat Ke Bad“Happy BAKRID day”____________________Aaj Khuda ki hum par ho Meharbani,Karde maf hum logo ki sare Naformani,Eid Ka din aj aao milka kare yahi wada,Khuda ka hi raho mai hum chalange sada.Sare Musalman ko Bakrid Mubarak_______________________Wish you ” HAPPY BAKRID “ 2009?In this holy day, I wish all your dreams comes true_______________________This Comes to your wayWith warmest thoughtsAnd happy wishes too…To hope your Eid day will beAs wonderful as you_______________________Wishing you an Eid that bringsWith it the love and protection ofAllah to Stay…Always!BAKRID MUBARAKTags: bakrid sms, bakrid greetings, bakrid wishes, bakrid 2009, bakrid, bakrid messages, bakrid greetings, bakrid sms, bakrid 2009, bakrid, bakrid messages, bakrid greetings, bakrid wishes, bakrid sms, bakrid 2009,Bakrid sms, Bakrid 2010, Bakrid Mubarak, Bakrid Wishes, Bakri eid Sms, Bakrid cards, Bakrid wishes sms, Bakrid Festival, Id-ul-Zuha, Eid Ul Adha, Eid Ul Adha sms, Eid Ul Adha messages, Eid Ul Adha wishes, Eid Ul Adha greetings, Eid Ul Adha cards, eid sms, eid gifts, Eid Ul Adha 2010Source -bakrid sms, bakrid wishes, bakrid messages, bakrid 2009, bakrid greetings