If you are in love with someone and want to make this valentine's day special for your lover and dont know how to make it possible then dont worry and read this.Date at homeIf you want to make valentine's day most romantic then stay at home and call your lover. And try to cook something favourite of your lover, involve your lover in cooking with you. Decorate table for dinner, do not use lites just use some beautiful candles. It would be great fun...
Make simple and small love cards and place them at different places at home when your lover gets home. It will remind your lover that how special he/she is for you. The quotations on cards should not be lengthy, they should be specific to make your lover special.
Put off your lver's shirt and spread chocolate on his body and then lick that. This will really make your lover feel passion of your love.
DVD night with the movie of your partner’s choice would be your next step after chocolate love.Night DateGo to the same place at night, order your lover's favourite foods, and have fun the way you felt. The place you choose must be romantic one.Talk about all those things which your lover like most. Present a bouquet of red roses to your lover, its an old thing but its the most romantic thing at valentine's day. If your lover likes poetry then poetry readings on date is best idea for February 14th. End the date with a creative gift of your own, anything which you think your lover will like most.