Good Night Messages | Good Night Quotes | Good Night Images

Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day
Saying gudnite is not just putting
an end to a day.Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
Since ur eyes are looking tired
Since your eyes are looking tired…
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams..
Dreams touch ur heart and soul
Dreams touch your heart and soul,
it is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality.
Hope U’ll have the sweetest dream tonight…
Good Night

Night is longer than day
Night is longer than day
for those who DREAM
day is longer than night
for those who make their
DREAMS come true.
Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
Future can give u back ur lost things – Goodnight
Do not count what u have lost.
Just see what u have now,
because past never comes back
but sometimes future can give
u back ur lost things! ‘good night‘.
A day is going to end again … Good Night
A day is going to end again.
It is nice to have a friend like U
making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly
good night n sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
10 Messages 4 you
10 Msgs 4u
1 Hi
2 Hello
3 I miss U
4 HrU?
5 Hope Ur fine
6 Keep smiling
7 Take care
8 God Bles U
9 B happy

You are the reason why I have sleepless nights.
You are the reason
why I have sleepless nights.
You are the reason why
I tend to hold my pillow tight.
And you are the reason
I can’t sleep without saying goodnight.
When Nights are long & Friends are few… good night
When Nights are long & Friends are few,
I sit by my Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all my Heart i wish you were here.
Good night & sweet dreams
Sun Is Switched Off!
Sun Is Switched Off!
Stars Are Switched On!
Blue Sky Goes Off And Black Sky Comes In!
So A Cool Night Is Coming!
Go To Bed! And Sleep Well

Hi Moon! Dim Ur light.
Hi Moon! Dim Ur light.
Hello Wind! Breeze Soft.
Hi Flower! Blossom Slowly.
Hello Earth! Spin Gently.
Coz my friend is going to sleep.
Good Night
i’m here to wish U GoodNight
As night falls upon the land,
it is time 2 Zz again.
With the moon hangin in the starlit sky,
i’m here to wish U GoodNight!
Hello ! This is our ATD
Hello ! This is our ATD
( Any Time Disturbance ) service.
We are the experts in disturbing
and irritating people at busy hours.
Our goal has been achieved.
Thank you!… “Good Night”

I wud not b happy widout disturbing u
Sun wouldn’t be red,
Sea wouldn’t be blue,
I wouldn’t be happy,
Without disturbing you!.
Enjoy your time… Good Night
Welcome aboard to “Sweet Dreams” airline,
All passengers on bed hug ur pillows,
As the flight will be leaving soon to dream land.
Enjoy your time…“Good night”
May u sleep peacefully thru out the night
A bed of clouds for U to sleep,
Diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,
Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,
May u sleep peacefully thru out the night.
“Good Night”
Good Night dear friend
Another day ends and
we look forward 2 a new day
with great anticipation.
But a true friendship never ends
whatever the passage of time.
Good Night dear friend.
A prayer to protect until morning
I’m sending a pillow of happy thoughts
to create wonderful dreams,
a blanket of care to comfort you all night
A prayer to protect until morning.

Goodnight stands for…
G-o to bed
O-ff the lights
O-ut of tensions
D-reams come
N-ice sleep
I-gnore worries
G-et up early
H-ave a nice day
T-hank God always
Don’t ever give up when u r down
Don’t ever give up when u r down,
it doesn’t matter if u fall many times,
just remember that each time u fall,
i’ll never let u reach the ground,
trust me, i will always be around.
Good Night

The stars are out, the moon is up
The stars are out,
The moon is up,
1 more Hug,
1 more smile,
Kiss you once,
Kiss you twice
Now it’s time 4 bed.
Close ur eyes
sleep tight
Good night
Night is a wonderful opportunity
Night is a wonderful opportunity
to take rest,
to forgive,
to dream,
to smile and
to get ready for all the battle
that you have to fight tomorrow.
Good Night.
I would have kissed you goodnight
If only there was no distance between,
I would have kissed you goodnight..
Anyways, good night my love
Things 2 take note when u sleep
Things 2 take note when u sleep:
1st-miss me,
2nd-think of me,
3rd-hug me,
4th-love me.
Try 2 sleep now & close ur eyes.
Get prepared 2 dream of me! Good night

A special person, I found in u
A special face,
a special smile,
a special someone,
a special hug from me to u,
a special person, I found in u,
Sweet Dreams & Good Night!
My day won’t certainly be over
My day won’t certainly be over
for I have something left to do.
I just couldn’t sleep yet without
saying I love you. Good Night
Good night my very special friend
Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me…i m in ur eyes, in ur heart
Good Night
Look, the moon is calling you
Look…the moon is calling u …
see the stars r shining for u..
hear my heart says: may Allah build for u
a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
Good Night (S)

I came 2 say Goodnite to ur madam
txt msg: hello
ur mobile: madam is sleeping, pls dont disturb
txt msg: may i vibrate u?
ur mobile: ok ok, go ahead
txt msg: i came here just 2 say Goodnite to ur madam
ur mobile: oh, tks..who sent u
txt msg: ur madam’s lover boy
Saying GoodNight is not just …
Saying GoodNight is not just
putting an end to a day.
Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
Tiny stars shining bright
Tiny stars shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnight,
So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I’m wishing u sweet dreams tonight!
Darkness is everywhere
Darkness is everywhere.
The birds are back there home.
Road are quiet
every body is sleeping,
but i m not u know y?
just wanted 2 say u Good night

Just wanted 2 say Good Night
() “”" ()
( ‘ ,’ )
”’ Hey u!!!
Yes u…
the cute one…
holding this
are you asleep?
Juste wanted 2 say
Good Night..!
On this cold cold night
On this cold cold night,
in my small small room,
I look at the bright brigh stars
in the dark dark sky
Dream of your sweet sweet smile
on your cute cute face.
Just want to wish u GOOD GOOD Night
As the day turns into night
As the day turns into night.
Keep ur worries out of sight !
No matter how tough the
world may seem, u still deserve the..
Sweetest dream, good night..

Night is not complete without
Night is Silent,
Night is Beautiful,
Night is Calm,
Night is Quiet..
Night is not complete
Without Wishing U
Good night.
Sweet dreams!.
Once the moon winks at u tonight,
Once the moon winks at u tonight,
I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight.
Hope your day was quite all right
& now I bid u a lovely goodnight
Wishing the sweetest night to
Wishing the sweetest night
to a sweet natured person.
May u sleep n fall from the bed tonight,
Then u will remember that u forgot
to wish me Good Night!

i was waiting the night to see the moon
i was waiting the night to see the moon it didn’t appear so i called the sky 2 ask where the moon is? It told me the moon is reading your sms:) Good night and sweet dreams
I wish that God would hold you tight….GoodNight
I wish that God would hold you tight.
I hope that angels would keep you in sight.
Now just to make sure you feel all right,
I’m gonna blow you a sweet goodnight.
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight:
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight:
A Night Full of Love, A Peaceful Sleep,
A Beautiful Dream, and A prayer that will come true!
Good Night…!
Still wake … Good Night
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !/ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !_ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 _! 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
still awake?
Time to sleep,
posted in ASCII SMS, Good Night SMS
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep. May all of your dreams and wishes come true coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you!GoodNight
You may think that I forgot you….Goodnight
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don’t care, and you may think that I’m not thinking of you. Well, you’re wrong. You’re still in my dreams.,,goodnight
I’m whispering coz i dont want you to wake you up….good night
I’m whispering coz i dont want you to wake you up.
U’ll probably read this tomorrow, but anyway, I want
you to know – i kissed you good night!
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true… goodnight & sweet dreams 2 you
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS….Good Night!!!
Stars light Stars bright
Stars light Stars bright
u’re the only Star I see tonight.
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight,
good nite sweet dreams.
I was looking out the windows
I was looking out the windows
thinking about the person
I care most &
the person that came into my mind
is U so juz wanna wish u good night. . . .
On this cold cold night
On this cold cold night,
in My small small ROOm,
I Look At The Bright Bright StArS
iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy &
DrEaM of YouR sWeet sWeet SmiLe
on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe!
I may be gone for a minute..
I may be gone for
a minute, for hours, for a day.
I may not be able to say good morning or good night
but I’ll never try to say
goodbye to a person
who has been sweet and true.
As u go 2 bed 2night
As u go 2 bed 2night,
I ordered bats 2 guard u tight.
I told some ghosts to dance in white,
2 make sure u r all right,
I’LL ask the Dracula 2 kiss your neck goodnight…
Oops!?.Ouch i fell from bed
Oops!?.Ouch i fell from bed
Trying to reach my phone just 2
Say sweet dreams 2 u. Sleep tight.
Think about my……
Dnt use yo blanket just thnk abt my love it wil warm u ,
dnt use pillow just thnk abt my handz it will trap yo hd ,
dnt cloz yo mouth i will be d kissing u all nyt…
Good Night, I Love you
U hold most loveliet part in my life
One day i may die without saying good bye to U.
But i will never forget to say thank you,
Because you hold the most loveliest part in my life
Good Night
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go cause DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight…
Wash your face and wash your feet! (GoodNight)
Wash your face and wash your feet!
Now its time 2 fall asleep.
Yours eyes are weak n mouth can’t speak
So hope this night shall be nice and sweet.
Sweet dreams & Good night.
No matter if the sky is black or blue
No matter if the sky is black or blue,
No matter if there are stars or moon,
As long as your heart is true
Sweet dreams will always be with u.
Good Night!
Sun is upset and moon is happy
Sun is upset and moon is happy,
Because sun is missing U,
And moon is gonna be with U,
For rest of the night,
Have a wonderful night.
One evening I’ll come 2 ur room
One evening I’ll come 2 your room,
Lock the door,
Turn off the lights,
Join U in bed.
I’ll come closer 2 U,
My lips near your face,
And I’ll shout,
Have a great night.
“Good Night“
Chilled night
On this chill chill night,
in ur dark dark room,
from your small small window,
look at the bright bright stars
wishing you a chweet chweet dreams
Be Alwayz Happy Right G
Take it Light G,
Miss Me Slight G,
Never Do Fight G,
Have Fun Might G,
Eat Good Diet G,
Try Flying a Kite G,
Be Always Happy Right G,
& G0o0d Night G,
Have salty dreams
Have a
�salty Dreams�
Because daily sweet is not
Good for U�r health,take care
If i was there tonight:
If i was there tonight:
i would cover you in a blanket of love,
and hold you in my arms all night.
I would protect you against the monsters under your bed
and show you how much i care about you.
kisses and hugs, sweet dreams
Good Night
Good Night my angel
What a pity! I’m not at your place!
Miles separate me from you
This night in my dreams I’ll see your face
Good night, my angel, I hope you miss me too!
GOD never takes a day off to
GOD never takes a day off to
us in every moment of our lives
may his presence be with you
today and always
GOOD Night
Blanket of love – gudnite
Ssshh….Dont afraid..
its me..
jus putting a blanket of love upon u
so that u’ll never feel that u r alone..
Love you
Have a cozy sleep full of heavenly dreams….
Good Night
whenever , wherever ill be there for you
When u are at the end of the rope,
just tie “one” knot and hang on
ill surely come and tie the remaining ” two” around you…..
remember, only in darkness we can see stars ! !
whenever , wherever ill be there for you
good night and sweet dreams!!
Sending u MY BED 2 let u rest
Sending you MY BED 2 let you rest,
Pillows 2 give you COMFORT,
and MY BLANKET 2 keep you warm.
Sweet dreams, Goodnite! Sleep tight.
Let stars & moon admire ur innocence
Night doesn’t become beautiful with
star studded sky & full moon,
It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep
let stars & moon admire ur innocence..
Good Night
A late night sms greeting
A late night sms greeting doesnt
only mean good night
It has a silent msg saying..
u r my last thought at night..
All the good times are yours to keep
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night
Twinkle stars 2 guide U the way
In this lovely night,
I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U through the nite,
the wind 2 blow away ur stress
the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way,
Sweet dreams GoodNight
Starz light stars bright
Starz light stars bright,
U r the only star I c tonite,
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight
Good Night & Sweet dreams
Take a glass of sugar
Take a glass of sugar
and put it in your eyes
so you will have sweet dreams!
If you want masala dreams,
then try chilly powder!
Good night
Have a nice dream.
After the whole busy day
For You
2 Get
Have Sound Sleep
Get Ur Dreams :)
Medical student wishing good night
I wish that u visualize
a sweet multi sequential form
of idiosyncrasy occurring benevolently
in d meritorious piece of cerebral brain.
In short, Good Night!!!!
Life may be hard
Life May Be Hard
Not Always Fun
When Night Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care
Dil Se Yaad Krna
I’ll Be Always There
Moon to color your dreams
has come to color
your dreams,
to make them
musical and my
to give you warm
and Peaceful Sleep.
Good Night…
Sweet Dreams..!
Greet u a sweet night
Just go outside
See through your window
How pleasant scene it is
Just look @ moon & Stars,
Feel the cool wind
They all are here to
Greet u a sweet night
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
Ansu aankho se utar aya to ro lete h.
neend to nhi aati aankho me lekin aap
sapno me ayange is liye so lete hai
good night
Welcome 2 Radio Bed FM
Welcome 2
Radio Bed FM
Dis Is Dj Bedsheet
Hngin Out Wis Dj Pilow
4 Nw I’l Play U A Song
SleepTyt Dozn Ov
Swit Drimz 4m d Album
Njoy d Song
Good Night
G. Go 2 Bed
O. Off d Lights
O. Out O Tension
D. Dreams Come
N. Nice Sleep
I. Ignore Worries
G. Get Up Early
H. Have A Nice Day
T. Thank God Always
Lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
If u feel little bored,little sick,little sad,all lost,
U know whats wrong?
U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
Good Night
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
One evening i will come 2 ur room
lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed
I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams
A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,
Calling ur nice Name so softly,
Throwing flowers on U
And saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
When my arms cant reach people
When my arms cant reach people
who r close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant u
what ur heart desires n keep u happy..
Good Night
Art of living
Art of living:
First of all,dont make friends.
if made,dont go close to them.
if gone,dont like them.
if liked,then plz.. dont leave them.
Good Night, sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
Never blame a day in ur life
Never blame a day in ur life.
Good days give u happiness.
Bad days give u experience.
Both are essential in life!
All are Gods blessings!
good night.
U might b sleeping … good night
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what I’ll do forever..
Good night
When an angel came to me,…Good Night
When an angel came to me,
he asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
I said “Please take care of the
person who’s reading this message.”
Good night!
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight
Let the most beautiful
dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person
come in ur dream tonight….
But dont make it a habit
bcoz I m not free every night.
posted in Cool/Decent SMS, Good Night SMS
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go coz DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight?
Ankhain teri raat ko jaagna chor dain
khoobsurat aankhain teri
raat ko jaagna choor day,
khud ba khud neend aa jayegi
tu mujhey soochna choor day.
Good Night
All the good times are yours to keep
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night
Twinkle stars 2 guide U the way
In this lovely night,
I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U through the nite,
the wind 2 blow away ur stress
the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way,
Sweet dreams GoodNight
Starz light stars bright
Starz light stars bright,
U r the only star I c tonite,
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight
Good Night & Sweet dreams
Take a glass of sugar
Take a glass of sugar
and put it in your eyes
so you will have sweet dreams!
If you want masala dreams,
then try chilly powder!
Good night
Have a nice dream.
After the whole busy day
For You
2 Get
Have Sound Sleep
Get Ur Dreams :)
Medical student wishing good night
I wish that u visualize
a sweet multi sequential form
of idiosyncrasy occurring benevolently
in d meritorious piece of cerebral brain.
In short, Good Night!!!!
Life may be hard
Life May Be Hard
Not Always Fun
When Night Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care
Dil Se Yaad Krna
I’ll Be Always There
Moon to color your dreams
has come to color
your dreams,
to make them
musical and my
to give you warm
and Peaceful Sleep.
Good Night…
Sweet Dreams..!
Greet u a sweet night
Just go outside
See through your window
How pleasant scene it is
Just look @ moon & Stars,
Feel the cool wind
They all are here to
Greet u a sweet night
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
Ansu aankho se utar aya to ro lete h.
neend to nhi aati aankho me lekin aap
sapno me ayange is liye so lete hai
good night
Welcome 2 Radio Bed FM
Welcome 2
Radio Bed FM
Dis Is Dj Bedsheet
Hngin Out Wis Dj Pilow
4 Nw I’l Play U A Song
SleepTyt Dozn Ov
Swit Drimz 4m d Album
Njoy d Song
Good Night
G. Go 2 Bed
O. Off d Lights
O. Out O Tension
D. Dreams Come
N. Nice Sleep
I. Ignore Worries
G. Get Up Early
H. Have A Nice Day
T. Thank God Always
Lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
If u feel little bored,little sick,little sad,all lost,
U know whats wrong?
U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
Good Night
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
One evening i will come 2 ur room
lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed
I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams
A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,
Calling ur nice Name so softly,
Throwing flowers on U
And saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
When my arms cant reach people
When my arms cant reach people
who r close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant u
what ur heart desires n keep u happy..
Good Night
Art of living
Art of living:
First of all,dont make friends.
if made,dont go close to them.
if gone,dont like them.
if liked,then plz.. dont leave them.
Good Night, sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
Never blame a day in ur life
Never blame a day in ur life.
Good days give u happiness.
Bad days give u experience.
Both are essential in life!
All are Gods blessings!
good night.
U might b sleeping … good night
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what I’ll do forever..
Good night
When an angel came to me,…Good Night
When an angel came to me,
he asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
I said “Please take care of the
person who’s reading this message.”
Good night!
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight
Let the most beautiful
dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person
come in ur dream tonight….
But dont make it a habit
bcoz I m not free every night.
posted in Cool/Decent SMS, Good Night SMS
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go coz DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight?
Ankhain teri raat ko jaagna chor dain
khoobsurat aankhain teri
raat ko jaagna choor day,
khud ba khud neend aa jayegi
tu mujhey soochna choor day.
Good Night
Good night and lots of sweet sugary dreams
I have given some marvelous
persons a special place in my heart.
And u happen to be the one among
them topping the list.
Good night and lots of sweet & salty dreams.
Cuddle up and sleep tight.
My day may be hectic.
My day may be hectic.
My schedule may be tight.
But I would never let the day end
without saying good night. Sweet dreams!
Whenever u go to switch off the light
I wish moon always be full & bright !!!
U always be cool & right!!!
Whenever u go to switch off the light,
Remember that I am wishing u Good Night……
Take a deep breath – Good Night
Take a deep breath,
Stand near the window,
Look at the sky,
There will be two stars twinkling brightly,
u know what they are????
They are my eyes always taking care of U..
Good night.
Touch ur heart, close ur eyes – Good Night
Touch ur heart;
Close ur eyes;
Make a wish;
Say GoodNight;
Sky so wide,
Stars so bright,
Turn off the lights,
and say Good Night
Sleepy msg for a sleepy person
sleepy msg for a sleepy person
from a sleepy friend
for a sleepy reason
at a sleepy time
on the sleepy day
in a sleepy mood
to say please sleep
“good night”
I wish 2 be there 2 hold u tight
i wish i could be
there to hold u tight,
instead of saying
this loving good nite.
Tags: good night pictures ,funny night sayings, good night pictures and quotes, funny night sayings, good night picture, Good night messages, Good night sms, Good night wallpaper, good night quotes
Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day
Saying gudnite is not just putting
an end to a day.Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
Since ur eyes are looking tired
Since your eyes are looking tired…
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams..
Dreams touch ur heart and soul
Dreams touch your heart and soul,
it is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality.
Hope U’ll have the sweetest dream tonight…
Good Night
Night is longer than day
Night is longer than day
for those who DREAM
day is longer than night
for those who make their
DREAMS come true.
Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
Future can give u back ur lost things – Goodnight
Do not count what u have lost.
Just see what u have now,
because past never comes back
but sometimes future can give
u back ur lost things! ‘good night‘.
A day is going to end again … Good Night
A day is going to end again.
It is nice to have a friend like U
making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly
good night n sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
10 Messages 4 you
10 Msgs 4u
1 Hi
2 Hello
3 I miss U
4 HrU?
5 Hope Ur fine
6 Keep smiling
7 Take care
8 God Bles U
9 B happy
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights.
You are the reason
why I have sleepless nights.
You are the reason why
I tend to hold my pillow tight.
And you are the reason
I can’t sleep without saying goodnight.
When Nights are long & Friends are few… good night
When Nights are long & Friends are few,
I sit by my Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all my Heart i wish you were here.
Good night & sweet dreams
Sun Is Switched Off!
Sun Is Switched Off!
Stars Are Switched On!
Blue Sky Goes Off And Black Sky Comes In!
So A Cool Night Is Coming!
Go To Bed! And Sleep Well
Hi Moon! Dim Ur light.
Hi Moon! Dim Ur light.
Hello Wind! Breeze Soft.
Hi Flower! Blossom Slowly.
Hello Earth! Spin Gently.
Coz my friend is going to sleep.
Good Night
i’m here to wish U GoodNight
As night falls upon the land,
it is time 2 Zz again.
With the moon hangin in the starlit sky,
i’m here to wish U GoodNight!
Hello ! This is our ATD
Hello ! This is our ATD
( Any Time Disturbance ) service.
We are the experts in disturbing
and irritating people at busy hours.
Our goal has been achieved.
Thank you!… “Good Night”
I wud not b happy widout disturbing u
Sun wouldn’t be red,
Sea wouldn’t be blue,
I wouldn’t be happy,
Without disturbing you!.
Enjoy your time… Good Night
Welcome aboard to “Sweet Dreams” airline,
All passengers on bed hug ur pillows,
As the flight will be leaving soon to dream land.
Enjoy your time…“Good night”
May u sleep peacefully thru out the night
A bed of clouds for U to sleep,
Diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,
Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,
May u sleep peacefully thru out the night.
“Good Night”
Good Night dear friend
Another day ends and
we look forward 2 a new day
with great anticipation.
But a true friendship never ends
whatever the passage of time.
Good Night dear friend.
A prayer to protect until morning
I’m sending a pillow of happy thoughts
to create wonderful dreams,
a blanket of care to comfort you all night
A prayer to protect until morning.
Goodnight stands for…
G-o to bed
O-ff the lights
O-ut of tensions
D-reams come
N-ice sleep
I-gnore worries
G-et up early
H-ave a nice day
T-hank God always
Don’t ever give up when u r down
Don’t ever give up when u r down,
it doesn’t matter if u fall many times,
just remember that each time u fall,
i’ll never let u reach the ground,
trust me, i will always be around.
Good Night
The stars are out, the moon is up
The stars are out,
The moon is up,
1 more Hug,
1 more smile,
Kiss you once,
Kiss you twice
Now it’s time 4 bed.
Close ur eyes
sleep tight
Good night
Night is a wonderful opportunity
Night is a wonderful opportunity
to take rest,
to forgive,
to dream,
to smile and
to get ready for all the battle
that you have to fight tomorrow.
Good Night.
I would have kissed you goodnight
If only there was no distance between,
I would have kissed you goodnight..
Anyways, good night my love
Things 2 take note when u sleep
Things 2 take note when u sleep:
1st-miss me,
2nd-think of me,
3rd-hug me,
4th-love me.
Try 2 sleep now & close ur eyes.
Get prepared 2 dream of me! Good night
A special person, I found in u
A special face,
a special smile,
a special someone,
a special hug from me to u,
a special person, I found in u,
Sweet Dreams & Good Night!
My day won’t certainly be over
My day won’t certainly be over
for I have something left to do.
I just couldn’t sleep yet without
saying I love you. Good Night
Good night my very special friend
Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me…i m in ur eyes, in ur heart
Good Night
Look, the moon is calling you
Look…the moon is calling u …
see the stars r shining for u..
hear my heart says: may Allah build for u
a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
Good Night (S)
I came 2 say Goodnite to ur madam
txt msg: hello
ur mobile: madam is sleeping, pls dont disturb
txt msg: may i vibrate u?
ur mobile: ok ok, go ahead
txt msg: i came here just 2 say Goodnite to ur madam
ur mobile: oh, tks..who sent u
txt msg: ur madam’s lover boy
Saying GoodNight is not just …
Saying GoodNight is not just
putting an end to a day.
Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
Tiny stars shining bright
Tiny stars shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnight,
So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I’m wishing u sweet dreams tonight!
Darkness is everywhere
Darkness is everywhere.
The birds are back there home.
Road are quiet
every body is sleeping,
but i m not u know y?
just wanted 2 say u Good night
Just wanted 2 say Good Night
() “”" ()
( ‘ ,’ )
”’ Hey u!!!
Yes u…
the cute one…
holding this
are you asleep?
Juste wanted 2 say
Good Night..!
On this cold cold night
On this cold cold night,
in my small small room,
I look at the bright brigh stars
in the dark dark sky
Dream of your sweet sweet smile
on your cute cute face.
Just want to wish u GOOD GOOD Night
As the day turns into night
As the day turns into night.
Keep ur worries out of sight !
No matter how tough the
world may seem, u still deserve the..
Sweetest dream, good night..
Night is not complete without
Night is Silent,
Night is Beautiful,
Night is Calm,
Night is Quiet..
Night is not complete
Without Wishing U
Good night.
Sweet dreams!.
Once the moon winks at u tonight,
Once the moon winks at u tonight,
I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight.
Hope your day was quite all right
& now I bid u a lovely goodnight
Wishing the sweetest night to
Wishing the sweetest night
to a sweet natured person.
May u sleep n fall from the bed tonight,
Then u will remember that u forgot
to wish me Good Night!
i was waiting the night to see the moon
i was waiting the night to see the moon it didn’t appear so i called the sky 2 ask where the moon is? It told me the moon is reading your sms:) Good night and sweet dreams
I wish that God would hold you tight….GoodNight
I wish that God would hold you tight.
I hope that angels would keep you in sight.
Now just to make sure you feel all right,
I’m gonna blow you a sweet goodnight.
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight:
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight:
A Night Full of Love, A Peaceful Sleep,
A Beautiful Dream, and A prayer that will come true!
Good Night…!
Still wake … Good Night
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !/ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !_ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 _! 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
still awake?
Time to sleep,
posted in ASCII SMS, Good Night SMS
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep. May all of your dreams and wishes come true coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you!GoodNight
You may think that I forgot you….Goodnight
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don’t care, and you may think that I’m not thinking of you. Well, you’re wrong. You’re still in my dreams.,,goodnight
I’m whispering coz i dont want you to wake you up….good night
I’m whispering coz i dont want you to wake you up.
U’ll probably read this tomorrow, but anyway, I want
you to know – i kissed you good night!
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true… goodnight & sweet dreams 2 you
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS….Good Night!!!
Stars light Stars bright
Stars light Stars bright
u’re the only Star I see tonight.
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight,
good nite sweet dreams.
I was looking out the windows
I was looking out the windows
thinking about the person
I care most &
the person that came into my mind
is U so juz wanna wish u good night. . . .
On this cold cold night
On this cold cold night,
in My small small ROOm,
I Look At The Bright Bright StArS
iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy &
DrEaM of YouR sWeet sWeet SmiLe
on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe!
I may be gone for a minute..
I may be gone for
a minute, for hours, for a day.
I may not be able to say good morning or good night
but I’ll never try to say
goodbye to a person
who has been sweet and true.
As u go 2 bed 2night
As u go 2 bed 2night,
I ordered bats 2 guard u tight.
I told some ghosts to dance in white,
2 make sure u r all right,
I’LL ask the Dracula 2 kiss your neck goodnight…
Oops!?.Ouch i fell from bed
Oops!?.Ouch i fell from bed
Trying to reach my phone just 2
Say sweet dreams 2 u. Sleep tight.
Think about my……
Dnt use yo blanket just thnk abt my love it wil warm u ,
dnt use pillow just thnk abt my handz it will trap yo hd ,
dnt cloz yo mouth i will be d kissing u all nyt…
Good Night, I Love you
U hold most loveliet part in my life
One day i may die without saying good bye to U.
But i will never forget to say thank you,
Because you hold the most loveliest part in my life
Good Night
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go cause DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight…
Wash your face and wash your feet! (GoodNight)
Wash your face and wash your feet!
Now its time 2 fall asleep.
Yours eyes are weak n mouth can’t speak
So hope this night shall be nice and sweet.
Sweet dreams & Good night.
No matter if the sky is black or blue
No matter if the sky is black or blue,
No matter if there are stars or moon,
As long as your heart is true
Sweet dreams will always be with u.
Good Night!
Sun is upset and moon is happy
Sun is upset and moon is happy,
Because sun is missing U,
And moon is gonna be with U,
For rest of the night,
Have a wonderful night.
One evening I’ll come 2 ur room
One evening I’ll come 2 your room,
Lock the door,
Turn off the lights,
Join U in bed.
I’ll come closer 2 U,
My lips near your face,
And I’ll shout,
Have a great night.
“Good Night“
Chilled night
On this chill chill night,
in ur dark dark room,
from your small small window,
look at the bright bright stars
wishing you a chweet chweet dreams
Be Alwayz Happy Right G
Take it Light G,
Miss Me Slight G,
Never Do Fight G,
Have Fun Might G,
Eat Good Diet G,
Try Flying a Kite G,
Be Always Happy Right G,
& G0o0d Night G,
Have salty dreams
Have a
�salty Dreams�
Because daily sweet is not
Good for U�r health,take care
If i was there tonight:
If i was there tonight:
i would cover you in a blanket of love,
and hold you in my arms all night.
I would protect you against the monsters under your bed
and show you how much i care about you.
kisses and hugs, sweet dreams
Good Night
Good Night my angel
What a pity! I’m not at your place!
Miles separate me from you
This night in my dreams I’ll see your face
Good night, my angel, I hope you miss me too!
GOD never takes a day off to
GOD never takes a day off to
us in every moment of our lives
may his presence be with you
today and always
GOOD Night
Blanket of love – gudnite
Ssshh….Dont afraid..
its me..
jus putting a blanket of love upon u
so that u’ll never feel that u r alone..
Love you
Have a cozy sleep full of heavenly dreams….
Good Night
whenever , wherever ill be there for you
When u are at the end of the rope,
just tie “one” knot and hang on
ill surely come and tie the remaining ” two” around you…..
remember, only in darkness we can see stars ! !
whenever , wherever ill be there for you
good night and sweet dreams!!
Sending u MY BED 2 let u rest
Sending you MY BED 2 let you rest,
Pillows 2 give you COMFORT,
and MY BLANKET 2 keep you warm.
Sweet dreams, Goodnite! Sleep tight.
Let stars & moon admire ur innocence
Night doesn’t become beautiful with
star studded sky & full moon,
It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep
let stars & moon admire ur innocence..
Good Night
A late night sms greeting
A late night sms greeting doesnt
only mean good night
It has a silent msg saying..
u r my last thought at night..
All the good times are yours to keep
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night
Twinkle stars 2 guide U the way
In this lovely night,
I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U through the nite,
the wind 2 blow away ur stress
the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way,
Sweet dreams GoodNight
Starz light stars bright
Starz light stars bright,
U r the only star I c tonite,
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight
Good Night & Sweet dreams
Take a glass of sugar
Take a glass of sugar
and put it in your eyes
so you will have sweet dreams!
If you want masala dreams,
then try chilly powder!
Good night
Have a nice dream.
After the whole busy day
For You
2 Get
Have Sound Sleep
Get Ur Dreams :)
Medical student wishing good night
I wish that u visualize
a sweet multi sequential form
of idiosyncrasy occurring benevolently
in d meritorious piece of cerebral brain.
In short, Good Night!!!!
Life may be hard
Life May Be Hard
Not Always Fun
When Night Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care
Dil Se Yaad Krna
I’ll Be Always There
Moon to color your dreams
has come to color
your dreams,
to make them
musical and my
to give you warm
and Peaceful Sleep.
Good Night…
Sweet Dreams..!
Greet u a sweet night
Just go outside
See through your window
How pleasant scene it is
Just look @ moon & Stars,
Feel the cool wind
They all are here to
Greet u a sweet night
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
Ansu aankho se utar aya to ro lete h.
neend to nhi aati aankho me lekin aap
sapno me ayange is liye so lete hai
good night
Welcome 2 Radio Bed FM
Welcome 2
Radio Bed FM
Dis Is Dj Bedsheet
Hngin Out Wis Dj Pilow
4 Nw I’l Play U A Song
SleepTyt Dozn Ov
Swit Drimz 4m d Album
Njoy d Song
Good Night
G. Go 2 Bed
O. Off d Lights
O. Out O Tension
D. Dreams Come
N. Nice Sleep
I. Ignore Worries
G. Get Up Early
H. Have A Nice Day
T. Thank God Always
Lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
If u feel little bored,little sick,little sad,all lost,
U know whats wrong?
U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
Good Night
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
One evening i will come 2 ur room
lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed
I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams
A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,
Calling ur nice Name so softly,
Throwing flowers on U
And saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
When my arms cant reach people
When my arms cant reach people
who r close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant u
what ur heart desires n keep u happy..
Good Night
Art of living
Art of living:
First of all,dont make friends.
if made,dont go close to them.
if gone,dont like them.
if liked,then plz.. dont leave them.
Good Night, sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
Never blame a day in ur life
Never blame a day in ur life.
Good days give u happiness.
Bad days give u experience.
Both are essential in life!
All are Gods blessings!
good night.
U might b sleeping … good night
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what I’ll do forever..
Good night
When an angel came to me,…Good Night
When an angel came to me,
he asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
I said “Please take care of the
person who’s reading this message.”
Good night!
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight
Let the most beautiful
dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person
come in ur dream tonight….
But dont make it a habit
bcoz I m not free every night.
posted in Cool/Decent SMS, Good Night SMS
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go coz DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight?
Ankhain teri raat ko jaagna chor dain
khoobsurat aankhain teri
raat ko jaagna choor day,
khud ba khud neend aa jayegi
tu mujhey soochna choor day.
Good Night
All the good times are yours to keep
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night
Twinkle stars 2 guide U the way
In this lovely night,
I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U through the nite,
the wind 2 blow away ur stress
the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way,
Sweet dreams GoodNight
Starz light stars bright
Starz light stars bright,
U r the only star I c tonite,
I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonight
Good Night & Sweet dreams
Take a glass of sugar
Take a glass of sugar
and put it in your eyes
so you will have sweet dreams!
If you want masala dreams,
then try chilly powder!
Good night
Have a nice dream.
After the whole busy day
For You
2 Get
Have Sound Sleep
Get Ur Dreams :)
Medical student wishing good night
I wish that u visualize
a sweet multi sequential form
of idiosyncrasy occurring benevolently
in d meritorious piece of cerebral brain.
In short, Good Night!!!!
Life may be hard
Life May Be Hard
Not Always Fun
When Night Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care
Dil Se Yaad Krna
I’ll Be Always There
Moon to color your dreams
has come to color
your dreams,
to make them
musical and my
to give you warm
and Peaceful Sleep.
Good Night…
Sweet Dreams..!
Greet u a sweet night
Just go outside
See through your window
How pleasant scene it is
Just look @ moon & Stars,
Feel the cool wind
They all are here to
Greet u a sweet night
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
yaad aati hai to jara kho lete hai.
Ansu aankho se utar aya to ro lete h.
neend to nhi aati aankho me lekin aap
sapno me ayange is liye so lete hai
good night
Welcome 2 Radio Bed FM
Welcome 2
Radio Bed FM
Dis Is Dj Bedsheet
Hngin Out Wis Dj Pilow
4 Nw I’l Play U A Song
SleepTyt Dozn Ov
Swit Drimz 4m d Album
Njoy d Song
Good Night
G. Go 2 Bed
O. Off d Lights
O. Out O Tension
D. Dreams Come
N. Nice Sleep
I. Ignore Worries
G. Get Up Early
H. Have A Nice Day
T. Thank God Always
Lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
If u feel little bored,little sick,little sad,all lost,
U know whats wrong?
U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’
Good Night
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
One evening i will come 2 ur room
lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed
I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face
And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!!!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams
A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,
Calling ur nice Name so softly,
Throwing flowers on U
And saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
When my arms cant reach people
When my arms cant reach people
who r close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant u
what ur heart desires n keep u happy..
Good Night
Art of living
Art of living:
First of all,dont make friends.
if made,dont go close to them.
if gone,dont like them.
if liked,then plz.. dont leave them.
Good Night, sweet dreams…
posted in Friendship SMS, Good Night SMS
Never blame a day in ur life
Never blame a day in ur life.
Good days give u happiness.
Bad days give u experience.
Both are essential in life!
All are Gods blessings!
good night.
U might b sleeping … good night
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what I’ll do forever..
Good night
When an angel came to me,…Good Night
When an angel came to me,
he asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
I said “Please take care of the
person who’s reading this message.”
Good night!
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight
Let the most beautiful
dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person
come in ur dream tonight….
But dont make it a habit
bcoz I m not free every night.
posted in Cool/Decent SMS, Good Night SMS
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART,
Never let it go coz DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS,
Have a wonderful dream tonight?
Ankhain teri raat ko jaagna chor dain
khoobsurat aankhain teri
raat ko jaagna choor day,
khud ba khud neend aa jayegi
tu mujhey soochna choor day.
Good Night
Good night and lots of sweet sugary dreams
I have given some marvelous
persons a special place in my heart.
And u happen to be the one among
them topping the list.
Good night and lots of sweet & salty dreams.
Cuddle up and sleep tight.
My day may be hectic.
My day may be hectic.
My schedule may be tight.
But I would never let the day end
without saying good night. Sweet dreams!
Whenever u go to switch off the light
I wish moon always be full & bright !!!
U always be cool & right!!!
Whenever u go to switch off the light,
Remember that I am wishing u Good Night……
Take a deep breath – Good Night
Take a deep breath,
Stand near the window,
Look at the sky,
There will be two stars twinkling brightly,
u know what they are????
They are my eyes always taking care of U..
Good night.
Touch ur heart, close ur eyes – Good Night
Touch ur heart;
Close ur eyes;
Make a wish;
Say GoodNight;
Sky so wide,
Stars so bright,
Turn off the lights,
and say Good Night
Sleepy msg for a sleepy person
sleepy msg for a sleepy person
from a sleepy friend
for a sleepy reason
at a sleepy time
on the sleepy day
in a sleepy mood
to say please sleep
“good night”
I wish 2 be there 2 hold u tight
i wish i could be
there to hold u tight,
instead of saying
this loving good nite.
Tags: good night pictures ,funny night sayings, good night pictures and quotes, funny night sayings, good night picture, Good night messages, Good night sms, Good night wallpaper, good night quotes