Famous Love Sayings, Quotes, SMS
The best love is the kind that weakens the soul,that makes us reach for more,that plants fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.And that’s what you’ve given meThat’s what I hope to give to you forever--------------------------------------------------------------I wanna be sure that your heart’s on firethat you’re gonna be purethat your love is all mineI wanna be sure--------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes it feels like we find love in the most hopeless place--------------------------------------------------------------Maybe all, maybe nothing. Because it was too early and never late. --------------------------------------------------------------Everything I like about me is you--------------------------------------------------------------How poor and blind are the souls of the people that think our love is mad... to see that these people have never felt love like ours, is sad... --------------------------------------------------------------Let me tell you something about women. Women would have us believe that they are the victims; That we break their hearts for sport. That's crap. They say they want romance, they say they want true love, but all they want is a check list. Is he perfect? Is he handsome? Is he a doctor? For you men who fit the criteria, don't kid yourselves. Cuz they're not sleeping with you, they're sleeping with a carefully calculated set of venal choices. Money over substance, looks over soul, polished over principles. No gesture, no matter how real or romantic will ever compensate for a really impressive list of credentials. --------------------------------------------------------------To hurt you isnt the last thing i want to do...Its the first thing i NEVER want to do...--------------------------------------------------------------i can be your Professional Lysol Disinfectant...i'll Kill 99.9% of Germs around you and i Eliminate Odors--------------------------------------------------------------"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."Tags::- Love Quotes, Love Sayings, Love SMS, Love Messages, Love Wallpapers, Love Posters, Love Texts