Joy resounds in the hearts of thosewho believe in the miracle of Christmas!Wishing you all the peace, joy, and loveof the season! Season’s Greetings!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To your enemy, forgiveness.To an opponent, tolerance.To a friend, your heart.To a customer, service.To all, charity.To every child, a good example.To yourself, respect.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy ChristmasI am dreaming of white christmas,With every christmas card i write,May your days be merry and bright,And may all your christmas be white.Happy Christmas.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unless we make Christmasan occasion to share our blessings,all the snow in Alaska won’t make it “white”.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May the good times and treasures ofthe present become the goldenmemories of tomorrowWish you lots of love joy and happinessMARRY CHRISTMAS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas hath a darkness;Brighter than the blazing noon;Christmas hath a chillnessWarmer than the heat of June,Christmas hath a beautyLovelier than the world can show:for Christmas bringeth Jesus,Brought for us so low------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May joy and happiness snow on youMay the bells jingle for youMay Santa be extra good to you!Merry Christmas!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lets welcome the year which is freshLets welcome the year which is fresh and new,Lets cherish each moment it beholds,Lets celebrate this blissful New year.Merry X-mas------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May this Christmas end the present yearOn a cheerful note and make wayFor a fresh and bright new year.Here’s wishing you aMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May the good times and treasures of the presentBecome the golden memories of tomorrow.Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.MERRY CHRISTMAS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas may be many thingsor it may be a few.For you, the joyis each new toy;for me;it’s watching U.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wishing you a Merry Christmas. I hope your family gets together and has a good time. I hope you get a lot of presents and Cookies. I hope you have a great holiday and a Happy New year !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------