It all startedwith just one innocent kisshow could we have knownit would have grown into thisSummer nights we spentin each others armsmaking promises of our loveto keep each other safe from harmAnd to think it all startedwith that one little kisswhen time stood stillconsumed by pure blissOver timemy feelings for you grewand deep insideyou loved me tooBut all good thingsmust come to an endand when it was overwe promised to be friendsBut the love that we sharedhad been just too strongwe couldn't go backmaybe that kiss had been wrongIts weird to thinkabout what one kiss can dochange your lifeand everyone else's tooJust one kissis all it takesit can be amazingor it might be a mistakeBut without that onevery small kissa part of your lifeyou would greatly miss
Tags::- Love, Love Poems, Love Quotes, Love Sayings, Love SMS